Без рубрики DHCP server for Linux AD-DC Ubuntu 18.04. Integration with BIND9 by Belfigor 15.09.2020 by Belfigor 15.09.2020 DHCP server for Linux AD-DC Ubuntu 18.04. Integration with BIND9. The cherry on the… 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Linux Samba4 AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 – Settings – Part 2 by Belfigor 13.09.2020 by Belfigor 13.09.2020 Linux Samba4 AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 is the fourth of five Linux AD-DC customization… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Set up BIND9 for Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 – Part 2 by Belfigor 11.09.2020 by Belfigor 11.09.2020 Reconfigure BIND9 for Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04. Yes, we’ve already gone almost half… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 – Setting Samba4 – Part 1 by Belfigor 10.09.2020 by Belfigor 10.09.2020 Setting up Samba4 for Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 is our current goal. In… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Configuring BIND9 for Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 – Part 1 by Belfigor 01.09.2020 by Belfigor 01.09.2020 Configuring BIND9 for Linux AD-DC on Ubuntu 18.04 is the stage from which the… 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Administering the Linux domain controller by Belfigor 10.08.2020 by Belfigor 10.08.2020 Administering a Linux domain controller is our current phase. We have a Linux AD-DC… 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail
Без рубрики Domain Controller on Ubuntu 18.04 – Time Synchronization – NTP by Belfigor 24.10.2018 by Belfigor 24.10.2018 Time is the cornerstone of all “these internets.” The domain controller on Ubuntu 18.04… 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramLINEEmail